Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do we generate Valid Credit Card Numbers?

A: In order for a credit card number to be valid, it has to be validated by the MOD 10 algorithm. This is an algorithm specifically designed to prevent accidental errors such as typos. Knowing the Major Industry Identifier (MII) and the Issuer Identification Number (IIN) we can prefix a credit card number and then randomly select the rest, as long as they comply to the MOD 10 algorithm.

Q: What constitutes a Valid Credit Card Number?

A: A valid credit card number (also known as Primary Account Number - PAN) has several fields and each of them has a meaning. For the technically inclined, this number complies to the ISO/IEC 7812 numbering standard. An contains a six-digit issuer identification number (IIN), an individual account identification number, and a single digit checksum.
The first digit of the issuer identification number is the major industry identifier (MII). It identifies the industry where the card will be most used in. If this digit is 9 the next three digits are the country code from ISO 3166-1.
The issuer identification number also known as the bank identification number (BIN) is the first six digits of the credit card number. These identify the institution that issued the credit card to the card holder. Here's a list of known IIN prefixes.
Afterwards comes the account number, digit 7 to last minus one. The maximum length of the account number is 12 digits. This is an individual account identifier.
The last digit is the checksum which we explained how to calculate using the MOD 10 algorithm. It is used to validate the primary account number to protect against accidental errors.

Q: What do we mean by Valid Credit Card Numbers?

A: The credit card numbers you generate on this page are completely random. When we say they are valid, we merely imply that they are a possible combination of characters which will validate when passed through the MOD 10 algorithm. You can also generate valid credit card numbers for specific Issuing Networks by utilising their particular prefixes.

Q: Can I buy stuff with these credit card numbers?

To be completely clear and spell this out, the created credit card numbers should not be used to try and purchase stuff. !!! This would be illegal !!! We do not take any responsebility for any actions you do with these card numbers. They work, off course. But we do not want or allow you to do any illegal action with CGEN v6.5.

Q: Can you tell me more about the MOD 10 algorithm?

A: The MOD 10 algorithm is a checksum (detection of errors) formula which is the common name for the Luhn algorithm. This formula has been in use to validate a lot of identification numbers besides credit cards since its development by scientist Hans Peter Luhn from IBM. To teach you how to manually validate a specific number, lets do an example:
Say we have 38520000023237 and we want to check if it could be a real credit card number
  • Take the last digit 7. This is our check digit
  • Take the rest of the sequence 3852000002323
  • Double every other digit starting from the right 6,8,10,2,0,0,0,0,0,2,6,2,6
  • Sum the digits of the products 10 = 1 + 0 = 1
  • Add all the digits together 6+8+1+2+0+0+0+0+0+2+6+2+6 = 33
  • Multiply the result by 9 33 * 9 = 297
  • Take the last digit of the result 7. If this matches the check digit we have a valid sequence
  • Since our check digit 7 matches our result 7, we conclude that this sequence would be a valid credit card number!

Some terms and their meanings

  • Credit Card - Credit cards are a form of revolving loan by where the cardholder can access a line of credit to make purchases, cash advances, or balance transfers. As the outstanding balance is paid, the available credit line is restored for use again.
  • Cardholder - an individual to whom a credit card is issued. Typically, this individual is also responsible for payment of all charges made to that card. Corporate cards are an exception to this rule.
  • Issuer - an institution that issues credit cards to cardholders. This institution is also responsible for billing the cardholder for charges.
  • Merchant/Accepter - an individual, organization, or corporation that accepts credit cards as payment for merchandise or services.
  • Credit Limit - The amount of credit made available for you to use.
  • Billing Cycle - The date that your statement is produced every month. The payment due date is at least 22 later. This same date appears on every statement, regardless of holidays. Interest accrues at the time the statement cycles.
  • Personal Identification Number (PIN) - The number used to access their account to get cash at an ATM machine or make other PIN verified transactions. A number automatically generated by the computer, then sealed and sent to the cardholder. (Ex. Gas station charges)
  • See more of these over at the credit card glossary.